12 September 2009

SUCCESS: An Answer!

Anyone from Barnes & Noble should listen up: Here's how Borders handled all this.

Last night (technically this morning, appr. 12.35AM [midnight-thirty]) I sent an email to Borders via their website's "Contact Customer Care" section. I said:

What do your stores do with the expired magazines when the new ones come in?

Today, at 10.19AM, they replied:

Thank you for contacting us about Borders.

When a magazine is taken off the shelves as expired, the covers are ripped off and mailed back to the publishers/distributors for a refund for the store, while the inside part of the magazine is sent off to recycling.

I hope this information was helpful. If you have any other questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Borders Customer Care

Holy crap that was so simple!! See, B&N? That's how it's done.

So, now we know that Borders is ensuring the old magazines get recycled. This is what I wanted to find out. Now let's see if B&N will EVER tell us what they're doing.

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