12 October 2009

B&N finally gave me the answer I was looking for.

"Thank you for your inquiry.

Barnes and Noble returns all expired and unsold magazines to the vendor."

So there we have it. That wasn't so bloody hard, was it?? I noted that this email was from someone other than the idiot I was emailing before, so hopefully it's just that one idiot, and not the whole company.

Now on to other companies... namely, the original: Staples.
Staples apparently doesn't have a universal corporate policy. They just let each store handle the expired magazines as they will, which usually means just throwing them in the locked Dumpster. I'm going to start with my local Staples, where I used to work. I hope they've changed their practices since I was there, but we'll see.

Not that anyone's reading this, but posts will continue to be sporadic, since I'm busy in real life. I'll be here on 15th October, though... it's Blog Action Day.


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