21 February 2010

Netbook RIP 27 Nov 2009 - 12 Feb 2010

Apparently my netbook reads this blog. And wasn't too happy about me going on and on about my new DROID phone. On Friday the 12th, as I was carrying it to find a better WiFi signal it HURLED itself out of my arms and onto the hard wooden corner of a chair.
It was touch-and-go for a while; he was displaying nothing but a terrible error message. Then one day, he never woke up. He wasn't even three months old!! :_(

I called the company and (predictably) dropping isn't covered (it took 45 minutes to find that out, not counting the 3 times their phone tree HUNG UP ON ME!) though they were perfectly willing to fix him... for $398!! (Not including postage.) I only paid $170 (after-Thanksgiving sale). I did find out that I can have him fixed for "free" by buying the Accidental Coverage plan for $119. Which is less than buying a new one, so I guess that's what I'll have to do.

Despite my excitement over my new phone, it really isn't a replacement for a netbook or notebook. As I'm finding out in spades.


P.S. - I downloaded the full manual (not included) for the netbook and took him all apart to see if I could locate a(n easily fixable) problem... no dice. Not a scratch, not a bump, not a solder out of place. So it's a bloody mystery.

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